It’s a Mac OSX software for recording and editing audio. It’s ideal for any audio endeavor in the studio or at home. Record and edit music, voiceovers, and other audio recordings quickly and easily.
Cut, copy, and paste audio clips, apply echo, amplification, and noise reduction effects, and explore the other sophisticated tools built specifically for professional sound engineers to take your audio projects to the next level.
Typical applications include trimming long sound clips, reducing vocals from music, creating ringtones, recording voiceovers, and more!
✔Effects like echo, amplification, reverb, equalizer, and noise reduction.
✔Sound editing functions, like insert, silence, auto-trim, and more.
✔Audio Units give producers access to thousands of additional tools and effects.
✔Convert hundreds of files with one process.
✔Support many file formats, such as aac, aif, amr, real audio, Ogg, m4a, au, gsm, wave, vox, WMA, FLAC, mp3, mid, and much more.
✔Bookmarks that allow for easy searching and assembling of clips into long audio files
✔Supports sample rates from 6 to 192kHz, stereo or mono, 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits
🌟 Technical Details and System Requirements
License: full_version
Author: NCH Software
⭐️ NCH WavePad Masters Edition 19.70 FC Portable ✅ (3.18 MB)